The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66359   Message #1101564
Posted By: Teribus
26-Jan-04 - 06:15 AM
Thread Name: What is Burns Night?
Subject: RE: What is Burn's Night?
Burns was not merely a poet. Having "made it" on the literary scene in Scotland he then set about touring the country collecting stories, songs and tunes. This was all self financed and he did it for no financial reward. He did this at a time when Scotland was being anglicised and Scots traditions, culture and heritage were under serious threat of eradication. He did more than any other to preserve the heritage, tradition and culture of Scotland.

To those who doubt Burns contribution take a good look at Scottish music and song and exclude Burns.

I am firmly with Akenaton on the question of due recognition for Burns compared to Shakespeare.

I have a question for Peter K (Fionn), who in his post of 25 Jan 04 - 07:28 AM, stated:

"I've no problem putting Rabbie on a par with Jesus Christ, Ake. But ahead of Shakespeare? Are you serious?"

What message did William Shakespeare leave to the people of the world?

Burns left one that is still as relevant and vibrant today, as it was when it was written over 200 years ago:

"For a' that, and a' that
Its comin' yet for a' that
That man tae man the world ower
Shall brothers be for a' that"

That Burns is honoured - World-wide. Is amazing considering the age in which he lived - 1759 to 1796.

Some of his contemporaries:
Mozart; Horatio Nelson; James Cook; Walter Scot; Mungo Park; Samuel Coleridge; Beethoven; Voltaire; George Stephenson; Davy Crocket; John Paul Jones; Richard Arkwright; Thomas Paine; the Adam brothers; David Hulme; Adam Smith; Artists Runciman, Ramsay and Raeburn.

Of the above only Horatio Nelson's immortal memory is celebrated, but on a much smaller scale than that of Robert Burns.

Some of the notable events:

Canada ceded to Britain
Start of the Industrial Revolution
Cook reached Australia
American War of Independence
First Settlement of Australia
French Revolution
Jenner makes first vaccination against smallpox
"Whiff of Grapeshot" incident, Napoleon takes command of the French Army.

Out of all the above the only one whose birth and life are celebrated all over the world (in over 200 countries) is the eldest son of a poor tenant farmer, a Scot, name of Robert Burns.