The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13386 Message #110270
Posted By: RiGGy
31-Aug-99 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: Oak Ash & Thorn at the Castle Folk Club
Subject: RE: Oak Ash & Thorn at the Castle Folk Club
I JUST received a very loooong letter from Pete Elliott of the Elliotts of Birtley, which stated: " 'The Bridge' does still have a club, but it is a pale shadow of it's former self with none of the regulars that performed when you were over ['71 ] still there..... The bloke who runs the Bridge now is a right bloody plonker & still claims it is the oldest folk club in Britain, in spite of there being no bugger there from the early days, not on the same night, etc......." RiGGy