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Thread #66412   Message #1102778
Posted By: Cruiser
27-Jan-04 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Was Bush a deserter?
Subject: RE: BS: Was Bush a deserter?
I am a former Viet Nam era military veteran and Mr. Bush's absence from Air Guard duty is just one more piece of evidence of his flawed character. I want the facts to come out and if it is irrefutable that Mr. Bush was "absent" from his Guard duty, he owes us a truthful explanation of this during his campaign. His opponents have a right to confront him on this issue during the forthcoming debates. Mr. Bush flaunts his "military flight service connection" and this was evident in his landing on the aircraft carrier. He certainly should be given credit for completing flight training and for his good documented service. The absence of his service must be explained by Mr. Bush and corroborated by his Guard commanders. Among the many things that I find contemptuous about Mr. Bush is that he is now our Commander-In-Chief, with a background based on questionable military service. I also held Mr. Clinton in contempt for his avoidance of military service.

I received a draft notice after having had a student deferment and upon graduating from college. I could have chosen to go into the National Guard, but chose to go into full military service. My father had been a Master Sergeant and taught ROTC at a large University and my brother was a Green Beret officer. I felt obligated to serve my country as repayment for living in such a great society and out of civic duty, although I was against the war. I understand opposition to military service but not cowardly avoidance of that service or not fully completing your sworn duty as a soldier or guardsman.

Although not part of the AWOL issue, Mr. Bush's avoidance of questions about if he used cocaine is another character flaw issue. I was in college during the late 60's and early 70's when illegal drug use was rampant. I never chose to use illegal drugs and if someone had asked me if I ever used any of those drugs I would say not just No, but heck No! Mr. Bush completely avoided those questions when there was some evidence that he had used cocaine. Had he confirmed that he used cocaine I would not have voted for him, but I would have respected him for being honest about having made a mistake. If someone asks you if you did something illegal, especially if you are vying for high political office, and you reply it is none of your business (or it is a private issue) then you probably committed that illegal act. Only a fool or a guilty party would not vehemently deny it and do all he could to provide evidence to support his innocence. Mr. Bush probably lied, again. I voted for Mr. Bush because I felt the previous administration was amoral and could not tell the truth. Mr. Clinton lied about sex (among other things, I would guess), Mr. Bush has lied about many more serious issues resulting in death and professes to be an abiding Christian. His is seriously flawed in many more ways that most of us average citizens and does not deserve any respect. I am astounded that so many Americans back him and his "war". Don't they bother to look at the evidence and think for themselves? Character does matter and trying to cover up past contemptuous activities by becoming a born-again Christian later in life is reprehensible.

I will have to admit one thing about Mr. Bush. He truly believes in a pray-to God, often dangerously so (those voices in his head telling him to do the right thing for God). How else could he explain to himself that he was able to be elected president? It had to be an act of God. It must have been a supernatural miracle! How else could it have possibly happen? At least one military general has the answer: Mr. Bush was ordained by God to be president.
