The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66412   Message #1102803
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jan-04 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Was Bush a deserter?
Subject: RE: BS: Was Bush a deserter?
Well, first of all, the Dems may have their hands tied behind their backs on the issue since the voters have been properly conditioned by the right wing and the media to yell, "Foul!", at the slightest attack on one of their own's character.

But you notice that they don't mind dragging out that worn out "tax and spend liberal" crap.

Total hypocrisy...

And secondly, the media who is very much in bed with the current administartion and should be asking the tough questions... won't.

So look fir this one to remain a Mexican stalemate.

*But*, I'd love to be wrong on this and see either Kerry or Clark, both vets, try to smoke Bush out on this one issue because I very much believe that once the American people get over their denial and see Bush for what he really is there won't be enough PR folks to put Humpdy Dumpty back together again...


p.s. I'll leave Bush's Faith issues, or lack there of, up to the Big Guy. That's His job...