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Thread #66412   Message #1102997
Posted By: dianavan
27-Jan-04 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Was Bush a deserter?
Subject: RE: BS: Was Bush a deserter?
Teribus: Although I understand NO, it was the large, red, flashing NO, that threw me off.

Thanks to all of you for trying to enlighten me on this subject. When it gets right down to it, I have to agree that there is probably no point in dragging up the past.

Cruiser: My heart goes out to the many men and women who must serve "under" a Commander who couldn't even do his duty as a reservist. I detest war(declared or undeclared)but my grandfather, father, brother and husband all had to do their time. I fled to Canada so that my baby boy would not have to do the same. It was time to break the cycle of poor boys doing the rich man's dirty work.

I know that morale is low over there. I know that there has been a number of suicides. Its time to help those young men find an alternative to blowing out their brains. I only hope that an underground railway to Canada can be established. Can mutiny only occur on board a vessel? Now there's an act of courage!

P.S. Did you know that more children in Afghanistan have died as a result of 911 than all of the people in the World Trade Center? Isn't that enough revenge for now?