The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66412   Message #1103185
Posted By: NH Dave
28-Jan-04 - 02:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Was Bush a deserter?
Subject: RE: BS: Was Bush a deserter?
From looking at the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and having served with both Guard and Reserve units, I have to conclude that he made himself subject to charges of desertion by his year long absence.

A line a bit lower than the one that excused reservists not on active duty from the provisions of the UCMJ specifically says that reservists who are being brought up on charges to be disposed of under Article 15 or Courts Martial are indeed subject to these provisions.

Bushe joined the reserves during a time when many other young men were being drafted into military service snd being sent to Viet Nam. This was a cushy billit for one who had no desire to risk is own pink young ass in Viet Nam, and he should have been treated as if he were in active or Federal Service.

Other young reservists who fell behind on their drills or who failed to complete other training were threatened with involuntary activation for a period of up to one year, which might well fine them serving in Viet Nam. As an active duty NCO, working with several Guard units, I saw this treatened many times and actually done on one occasion.

Unfortunately Bush had friends and relatives in high places, which resulted in him being treated far better than most young airmen and officers. Whether he would actually been ordered to serve in Nam is a debatable point as his AF job description was F-102 pilot, and we didn't have F-102s in Nam. It is possible that he might have been activated, and then sent to Upgrade Training in, say, the F-4, or the F-100, birds that were actually being used in Viet Nam, but it is moot now, unless an opponent drags it out and makes an issue of it during the presidential campaign.

I think most military folks would agree that he deserted, but so fat it hasn't bitten him in the butt.
