The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41902   Message #1103193
Posted By: Mudlark
28-Jan-04 - 02:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: SLOW DOWN!
Subject: RE: BS: SLOW DOWN!
Sorry to hear of that jOhn...I live near a 2-lane highway with lots of big trucks and fast traffic--and lots of accidents. Local hew and cry finally forced the Hwy dept to do some fairly simple things to slow things down, first, making it mandatory on this stretch of hwy to have lights on, day and night, and also doubling all traffic fines, including no seat belts. They've also installed lots more of those little reflective bumps to separate the 2 lanes, and put rumble, also whine strips along verge to keep people on the straight and narrow and cut down on reckless passing. It isn't a total answer, but not very expensive and surprisingly effective. There's also more airplane radar surveillance.

It amazes me how much faith unsafe drivers have in their own ability, and also the kindness (and nimbleness) of strangers, with everybody hurtling along in tons of metal, separated by a scant couple of feet.