The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13406   Message #110354
Posted By: Allan C.
01-Sep-99 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway - News
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway - News
I, for one am totally amazed that this event has been going on (often only a few miles away) for the larger part of my life and I am just now finding out about it! What hole did I have my head in?!! But now that I know about it, I plan to make it an annual pilgrimage. I am so-o-o-o glad that the FSGW exists and that it has seen fit to put together this kind of event. Wow!

I wish there were something I could do to relieve the kitchen problem. I like Jeri's idea about the Scouts and Nat'l Guard. Also, there are some groups like the Lions Club and Rotary who put on huge chicken roasts with some regularity. Some of these, rather than having permanent, cinder block structures, use portable units made of sheet metal.

Oh, I just remembered. When I was a baker, there was a church group that would bring in about thirty country hams in some of those huge recycleable pans. We would bake them in our huge rotating ovens. We did this in the early evenings when we didn't have much else to bake. You might be able to work out such a thing locally. We never charged them anything at all.

For my contribution, I plan to smoke a couple of turkeys (I never inhale! - well, almost never) to bring along.