The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66359   Message #1104443
Posted By: Rex
29-Jan-04 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: What is Burns Night?
Subject: RE: What is Burn's Night?
I guess I'll speak up. Sweet Fanny Adams was filled to the rafters on Sunday for the Burns Supper. We et the roast beef, clapshot and crudite. But all had come for the piping in of the haggis by the Isle of Mull pipers and Scot Hughes of the Emerald Society pipers. You know haggis sort of takes on the personality of the region where it is served, so it was for the haggis that had been prepared by Karen Smart the night before. And there was no dearth of it. In addition to lamb and beef, there was also buffalo added to the recipe. We raised toasts to Burns and his work with Athol Brose and guid Scotches. Scottish fiddler Loretta Thompson treated the diners to the songs of Burns accompanied by Brad Craig. The evening wound down with the tunes of the fiddle and the pipes along with Loretta Thompson's fine step dancing. Afterward the ruckus tumbled back into the pub from the dining room where the rest of us musicians joined in with fiddles, mandolins, tinwhistles and more whiskey. Muckle guid fun was had by all.