The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66481   Message #1105253
Posted By: Nerd
30-Jan-04 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Understanding the Midwest and West
Subject: RE: BS: Understanding the Midwest and West
This has nothing to do with the "midwest and west." Indianapolis? Boulder? Chicago?

It's about rural vs. urban. It takes the positive stereotypes of the rural (salt of the earth, farming folk, live off the land, practical bent, etc.) and sets them against the negative stereotypes of the urban (keeping up with the joneses, yuppies, low riding jeans, drugs, etc.) Very clever.

But the problem is, these are just stereotypes. Most people in cities can't afford the kind of cars, drugs, drinks, etc, that this list mentions. Most people in big cities went there because of work, or they were born there and live in ghettoes. I'll put my "two full time job" janitor or custodial worker up against your farmer for how much work he did before sunrise any day.