The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66481   Message #1105278
Posted By: Big Mick
30-Jan-04 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Understanding the Midwest and West
Subject: RE: BS: Understanding the Midwest and West
Yep, Rapaire. I just picked a guy up who lost control of his truck and ended up in a snow drift 15 yards into a field. I gave him a lift home. He was telling me about his Da holding on to 160 acres of land that is prime for development so he had a place to get his hands dirty, smell the scent of fresh tilled ground, raise corn like it was his child, and have a place to walk with his old dog. I asked him at what point the taxes and the huge dollars offered by the developers kicks in. He said that when his Da was under the dirt, and probably not then. Selling the farm would be like selling kin, in his mind.

I wonder how long they will hold on......
