The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66481   Message #1105745
Posted By: Nerd
31-Jan-04 - 05:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Understanding the Midwest and West
Subject: RE: BS: Understanding the Midwest and West
To understand why Rapaire's list might be offensive, I offer the following post in counterpoint:

Given your unhealthy rural habit of eating big slabs of rare meat with a side of pork rinds, it's likely that you will be forced to leave your little backwater holler in order to visit a real doctor. Or, you may have the urge to see a sporting event, a concert, or perhaps even a play performed by adults. In this case, you will come to a city, and I offer the following pointers to help you get along.

(1) Here it's not acceptable to use the word "nigger" when referring to black people, even if you're talking with white folks. You see, here white people sometimes have friends and family who are black.

(2) We actually welcome people from all over the world into our town, which has its advantages. Here we can get Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese or Mexican food delivered to our homes. We also have a nice international word for those carp you catch and eat. In fact, it's almost the same word you use. It's "crap."

(3) We don't like phoniness or dishonesty here. If we don't give a rat's ass about you, we won't wave, say "howdy," or pretend to be concerned, the way you folks do. Don't worry, you'll find that deep down you don't even care.

(4) Dentists are people who take care of other folks' teeth. That's why most of us here still have some teeth.

(5) You can't wear your overalls to the opera. Buy a change of clothes, will you?

(6) Stop chewing on that stalk of hay. You look like a dipshit.

(7) Don't call the nice youth on the corner a crackhead, or his mother will kick the crap out of you.

(8) I don't care if you are a farmer, you're not so damn tough. Those guys in matching shirts over there kill people just for the hell of it, and they'd eat you for breakfast.

(9) Don't be a schmuck, you can't just drive your pickup onto the lawn like that.

(10) That pretty girl you saw me with is my sister. Here in town, that automatically means I do not have sex with her. And if you want to have sex with her, you'd better learn to wash off the smell of pig.

Etc., etc., etc...