The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60568   Message #1105763
Posted By: Naemanson
31-Jan-04 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: News From Guam
Subject: RE: News From Guam
Strange weather today. This morning I met Peggy at San Luis Beach to gove her the first snorkeling lesson. The sky was mostly cloudy, the water was cool, and the day was warm. When we'd finished and she'd washed her puppy (more about the puppy later) it clouded up and started to drizzle. By the time I got to the canoe the drizzle was rain. We waited for it to stop but there was no sign of that.

As we waited one of the rarest weather phenomena in Guam occurred. It got foggy. Thick walls of fog closed in on us and left the locals gaping at the grey sheets. Joe commented that he'd seen small patches of fog in the swamp but he'd never seen this weather in Guam. Of course, he's young. But Larry, who's been here 35 years, has never seen this on Guam either.


Peggy's puppy is named Rosie. She's a young (mostly) black lab. She got the puppy from the local animal shelter where she does volunteer work. Someone had shot the dog and her back legs are paralyzed. She drags those legs behind her as she makes her way across the sand. The odd thing is that she has feeling in those legs and she can stand on them for very short periods but she can't seem to move them. They have sores from being dragged on the ground. The poor thing looks very happy and seems not to notice her disability. We took her into the water and she can swim after a fashion. She didn't seem to mind being in the water.

Peggy says she will give Rosie a month and if she isn't making any progress she'll put her down. I doubt if Peggy will have the heart to do it after a month but that is her choice.