The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66570   Message #1106043
Posted By: Raggytash
31-Jan-04 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: Raggytash & Wombat
Subject: Raggytash & Wombat
A lot of you will know that each year Wombat and I have a "do", the prime motive of which is to have a grand session of singing and playing and drinking and eating. There is a spin off in as much as we also try to raise some money for the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat.
This years do will be held on Saturday 13th March from 7.30 onwards, at Milnsbridge Socialist Club, Bankwell Road, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield, (West Yorkshire, UK - for our friends across the water).

This fine little venue played host to our 25th anniverssary do recently and it's looking forward to us gathering again.

For those of you who are wondering what the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat is and why we raise money for them...........

A rescue boat entirely funded by voluntary donations, after the withdrawal of Royal National Lifeboat Institution funding in the late 1970's. It costs in the region of £10k a year to provide the service, so any little bit we can do must be worth it if it helps save lives.

We do hope you will be able to come along and support this event, which has taken place for the last 7 years. The money is raised from collections, raffles, forfeits, auctions - and this year there will be a spectacular hand crafted quilt which will be either auctioned or raffled, courtesy of Zanymouse.

Hope to see lots of you there and if you let us know you're coming we'll provide food for you during the course of the evening to help soak up some of the alcofrol !

See you there, if you're not there you're .............

Raggy and Wombat