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Thread #66567   Message #1106177
Posted By: Barry Finn
31-Jan-04 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 coverup?
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 coverup?
It's a horrid way to treat family & friends of the victims. It bad enough that only a very few found any sort of remains. Like a criminal investigation into a murder, the reasons of why & how is not only important to the investigation but it is of equal importance to those that lost their loved ones. The deaths of nearly 3,000 people that the Bush administration labeled martyrs & heros now refuses to let their bodies be buried to the satisfaction of their families is by fighting & stalling they need to come clean with the whole story. I can't imagine any reason why the government would want to hide this information from the families & the general public. National Security, Pig's ass, that's become a catch all for anything that they'd like to deem hidden.

In the best case (still a vile act), the Bush adminstration used this tragedy to further there already in place agenda or somehow screwed up big time. The worst case would that they, for some unknown reason, somehow had a hand in it's happening or allowing this to happen. In which case he/they should stand before an international court as terrorists & for crimes against humanity.

This has the potential for being played out as the last of the great horrendous political games in US history. What will ever become of us? What have we done?
