The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13384   Message #110657
Posted By: Andres Magre
02-Sep-99 - 03:04 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Plaisir d'Amour
Subject: RE: Lyrics Req: Plaisir d'amour
Dear Peter, this is the lyrics from the copy my teacher gave me. Unfortunately there is no reference to the publisher, except a page foot which reads B.A. 8814. Anyway, this is the version he sings (he is a professional tenor at Colon Theatre) and tooks for accurate.

There are minimal differences with the version brought by Ted Boucher.

Plaisir d'amour
Ne dure qu'un moment:
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie.
J'ai tout quitté pour l'ingrate Sylvie;
Elle me quitte et prend un autre amant.

Plaisir d'amour
Ne dure qu'un moment:
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie.

Tant que cette eau coulera doucement
Vers ce ruisseau qui borde la prairie.

"Je t'aimerai"
Me répétait Sylvie.
L'eau coule encor,
Elle a changé pourtant.

Plaisir d'amour
Ne dure qu'un moment:
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie.

The second word quitte is also accented, but I will not use my accents because they are not seen by you and others. The other accents were taken from Ted's message and seem to be perfect. (Do you see them at quitte, repetait, change in the text ?)

Best regards, escamillo (le torero de Granada)