The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66481   Message #1106664
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
01-Feb-04 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Understanding the Midwest and West
Subject: RE: BS: Understanding the Midwest and West
I still think the opening post is funny. But then, our response says as much about us as it does about what we're responding to. Maybe it's because I've known people who pretty much fit the description in that first post (exagerated for humoroues effect as it is.) Some have been delightful people, and some have been asses. I think when delightful people and complete idiots were distributed, no culture, region or race got a monopoly. Same with stereotypes. Someone can say something that I think is funny because of the intonation of their voice (which doesn't translate well on the internet) or because it's clear that they're including themselves in the joke. Someone else could say the exact same (I argued with my son's high school English teacher that "exact same" is redundant, and lost) statement and I'd find it offensive because I know the person and their prejudice, or even just in the way that they said it. Or, the context in which they said it.

Reading stuff on the internet is like listening to music with the sound turned off.
