The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13446   Message #110669
Posted By: Roger the zimmer
02-Sep-99 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: lonnie donigan
Subject: RE: lonnie donigan
I think he was at least one festival this year ?Fleadh?, Glastonbury?
I saw him last on the Chris Barber Band's 40th Anniversary Tour in Reading a couple of years ago. He came in with a chair to sit on, on Doctor's orders after his several heart attacks, but only sat down for a few minutes. His set was all-out old Lonnie, tie off, banjo & guitar thrashed,voice as strong as ever, sweat towelled off between numbers. I hope his doctor wan't in the audience. I know he "retired" to Spain after his first heart problems, but he still does selected gigs.