The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66548   Message #1106702
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
01-Feb-04 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Put a man on Mars, but don't expect NPR
Subject: RE: BS: Put a man on Mars, but don't expect NPR
Clinton... thats a crock... Though your ignorance seems 'infinite' to me... I'm sure you'll be needing to point out that 'infinite' can not possibly describe a mind that is as finite as yours...

Martin G... I'll tell ya what. You volunteer to go to mars, and I'll support the program... You confessed yourself that you have barely listened to NPR... but you feel 'qualified' to criticize it, and then you go on to 'put Don in his place'... Ummmm, do I need to point out that while you are taking one person's vitriolic impression and calling it gospel... Don has the temerity to research the material he uses... The sources that NPR uses are qualitatively more comprehensive that your 'right wing exascerbator'...

Thread title should read..."put a man on Mars, but don't expect NPR to survive the funding cuts that will result...