The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66578   Message #1106788
Posted By: GUEST,Wover
01-Feb-04 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cornish toes? Take your shoes off
Subject: RE: BS: Cornish toes? Take your shoes off
After furder cyentific reeserch on the net I found this "corn-dition" (probably why they call it Corn-ish toes)was also called Morton Toe.

Morton's foot is characterized by the second toe being longer than the big toe. The problem is that the bone behind the big toe (first metatarsal) is too short. This inherited trait occurs in about 25 percent of the population and causes problems in more people than the other two foot abnormalities combined.

So using stughtisticks, 25 % of ya'll Cornishers have a pare of Morton Toes.

If you have Cornish Toes does that mean you are prone to Cornish Hens? And are your beeves likely to be Corned beef?