The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66592   Message #1106880
Posted By: GUEST,pdc
01-Feb-04 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Subject: RE: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Clinton Hammond seems to be Canadian, so I'm posting to let you know that some Canadians don't like WalMart either. The company lies -- about its product sources, about its employee practices, about its intentions. When WalMart opened a store in Vancouver several years ago, they wanted to sell guns. It took a lot of people writing letters, picketing, etc. to put a stop to that.

WalMart was recently convicted of locking its employees inside their stores at night, in several locations in the US. The store would close, but employees were required to put in several hours after closing -- unpaid hours -- to clean up stock and ready the store for morning. They were locked in by a manager, left with a supervisor who had no keys, and when the store was clean, the supervisor would have to call the manager, who would come and unlock the store, freeing the employees.

This all came to light when an accident occurred in which an employee's leg was broken. The manager wasn't home when the supervisor called to have the locks opened; the man had to wait several hours in severe pain before the manager arrived to open the doors. Then, and only then, was an ambulance called.

WalMart has also been charged for having illegals working as cleaning people in their stores all across the US. They are paid practically nothing, and receive no time off at all -- not even Christmas. These people work 365 days a year, for very little money, under threat of being reported to the INS if they complain.

Buy American and support the Waltons? I don't think so. Google Walton and charges or scandals to learn more.