The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66592   Message #1107448
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Feb-04 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Subject: RE: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea or pop open a beer and prop your feet up. Here's a bunch of reading material:

The scoop on Wal-Mart.

An opinion from the heartland

For Californians (and others):— Anyone who doesn't like what's on this website will undoubtedly claim that these people are just a bunch of New-Age twig-eaters, so their opinion accounts for nothing, but HERE is what many people who value their health say about the relationship between Wal-Mart and the California grocery strike.

A few years back, my wife, Barbara, and I were in Fairbury, Nebraska where Barbara was born. The only store in the area where you could buy a whole variety of things was Wal-Mart, just east of town. Most of the other stores had folded up because they couldn't compete with Wal-Mart's prices. But once the competition had been driven out of business, Wal-Mart's prices started creeping back up. That, folks, is the way it works. It's called "monopoly."

Here's another little tidbit :Wal-Mart strikes back.

By the way, GUEST,Martin Gibson, having crossed blades with you on another thread, I just wanted to mention that I didn't really spend a lot of time this morning researching the above, because I gleaned most of this information weeks ago. Don't be concerned about my having too much time on my hands and wasting it on things that are inconsequential. I keep up on this sort of thing because I'm a bit of an idealist, and I think that this could be a better world if we are willing to try to make it so. And part of it is to call certain things to the attention of other people who actually are concerned for their fellow human beings. I note that you say above that you "don't read any of this shit about the company." This, of course, is a great way to bury your head in the sand, not think about an issue, and avoid any ethical dilemmas. Then you go on to call those who do have a problem with Wal-Mart's ethics "whiners." Then, in another post further down, you address one of our fellow 'Catters as "Brucie (with a lisp)."

You, sir, are a real piece of work.

Don Firth