The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66663 Message #1108301
Posted By: PaulBobbyBuzz
03-Feb-04 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Dual deck cassette recorder for band
Subject: Tech: Dual deck cassette recorder for band
Hi again. I'm looking for input on decks that have manual record levels and headphone jacks. You'd be amazed at the units out there that don't have both. They seem to be aimed mostly at dubbing, which I'm interested in, but I REALLY need to be able to manually control the record level for recording from our board, and to be able to use headphones. Again amazingly enough, many of the decks that have manual record level knobs, DON'T have headphone jacks. I shopped the web EXTENSIVELY, Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. As always, my limited budget is a main concern. Thanks all. pbb