The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66548   Message #1108641
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
03-Feb-04 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Put a man on Mars, but don't expect NPR
Subject: RE: BS: Put a man on Mars, but don't expect NPR
Without going off in too many tangents I would just address the NPR issue.   Besides NPR I am fortunate to also have the access to WNYC in my area. Forget the signature at the top---a station I am associated with and applaud for its allowing the diversity of opinion and selection of material to air (it is not a news station--more free form--check us out

SO--back to the original thought. Both NPR and WNYC, happily, have in depth discussions, documentaries, newscasts, and editorials that present all points of view. The diatribes seem mostly on commercial radio---and conservative radio at that.   AM radio is a haven for conservative yowling. FM radio is, basically, commercial "crap" other than the few NPR and Community/College stations that still exist.Thankfully (remember when FM was supposed to be commercial free and cultural---you will give away your age)

The diversity of NPR--today there was talk of teen problems, the lies we have heard about our war in Iraq, thepositive news of new schools being built in an inner city area, and, among other things a wonderful interview (Fresh Air) with an attendee at the Haj and their point of view.   

In addition--for me anyway---there is Garrison Keilor (PRI--not NPR). He knows how to present Dubya in all his glory. But---NPR balances that with opposing points of view. Would that the AM outlets and their conservative screamers do that.

Bill Hahn