The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13452   Message #110921
Posted By: WyoWoman
02-Sep-99 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: How did your garden grow this summer?
Subject: RE: BS: How did your garden grow this summer?
MudGuard -- AH, YES! Zucchini. We know it well. It's one of those vegetables that, when they start bearing, your neighbors lock the door because they know you're going to be coming over with more of that d**ned zucchini. I do love it, but don't grow it anymore because it's just me and I can much easier go buy a few down at the farmer's market.

I think my mistakes with the wildflower seeds were that I used a steer manure and potting soil mix and it was too strong for the seeds, and that I didn't keep the soil broken up and it got too firmly packed for seeds. I am interested, Kat, in the seed roll-ups you mentioned and might try those next year. I've pretty much given up on veggies here in Wyoming, but I do love my flowers waving hello to me when I come up the front walk.
