The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13406   Message #110935
Posted By: Ferrara
02-Sep-99 - 10:41 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway - News
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway - News
By all means, Vixen and Cara and anyone else, go ahead now and send in your registration. We'll hold 'em until September 20 or let you know even earlier if we get all the problems solved and have room for everyone. In the meantime -- THE EARLIER YOU REGISTER, THE BETTER -- it helps the count, and lets us know how many people we need to plan for. Also if there's still a log jam on Sept 20, it may help if your registration has an early postmark.

Sandy, if I had my way, we'd rent the other half of the park if necessary to make space for all these people you and everyone else have invited.

Nuff for now. Talk to you later. - Rita F