The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13452   Message #111102
Posted By: teller
03-Sep-99 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: How did your garden grow this summer?
Subject: RE: BS: How did your garden grow this summer?
LonesomeEJ - yes, the Yorkshire Moors are wonderful, but our Moors are at the other end of the country, in Devon, but are just as beautiful....some would probably say more so (pun not intended!) Our little plot of this green and pleasant isle is in a village that's been around since the 13th century, but was all but burnt to the ground in the early 1800's. When it was rebulit, the houses were movd farther apart, but still retained much of the winding, higgildy-piggildy feel. The back of our place looks across the tops of old barns (now converted to dwellings), courtyards and several other flat-roof gardens. At this time of year, it looks and smells glorious, with great gouts of climbing flowers crawling all over the rooftops, and pots too numerous to count, throwing their scent into the summer air. Things are starting to quieten down a little now; the kids are due back to school any day now, and the tourists have taken themselves and their caravans back to where-ever it was they came from, so that in the evenings we can actually hear the bees droning their final patrols across the blossoms, rather than the roar of the traffic passing through the village. We're fast approaching the hibernation, when we can all roll back into the relative peace and quiet village life, and wonder why everyone doesn't take ther courage in both hands and move to the country.....and also count our blessings that they don't....far too crowded, and we'd all move back to the city for a bit of peace and quiet!!! All the best, Teller.