The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66230   Message #1111192
Posted By: Cruiser
07-Feb-04 - 12:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Little Hawk,

Firstly, I enjoy your posts because they are mostly thought out and reasonable (except for some of the obvious humorous tongue in cheek BS posts, and those are often witty).

I just don't understand why anyone, especially an adult, needs any form of illegal drug to enjoy the bountiful wonders of life. I also don't understand tobacco or alcohol use, although I used both until my second year of college. I am embarrassed to admit that I used either. I have often thought: How could I have been so stupid? I avoided illegal drugs partly because I spent my time doing farm labor to help pay for college and rodeoing for fun. I did not hang out with the drug group (just the hard drinkin', Red Man & Day's Work plug tobacco chewin'/spittin', Camel cigarette smoking, cowboys; and some goat ropers!). I was offered illegal drugs and they were all around me in high school and college in the 60s & 70's, but my conscience said no way would I harm my body and mind with that junk (I chose the other junk listed above instead). I realized at about 21 years old that I did not need any of these substances. I guess I was lucky, I did my "stupid stuff" when I was younger.

If I were "King of the World" I would get rid of all the tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs. I realize that is simplistic and prohibition would not work. Marijuana has harmful components in addition to the smoke. I know there is evidence of medicinal qualities of marijuana and any prescribed drug has potential bad side effects. Many helpful drugs are derived from plants and if marijuana is used for medicinal purposes, under the care of a licensed physician, then I could not argue with that.

All mind altering illegal drugs cause too many societal problems, as does the abuse of the legal drugs you mentioned.      

Once more, I just do not understand why anyone needs to alter their mind, for pleasure, with any drug, legal or illegal.   I do not have the time or desire to go through this brief life in any form of stupor. I also do not want any person using any of the aforementioned drugs ruining my chance at life or anyone else's. The societal costs are just too high to allow use of illegal drugs. All legal and illegal psychoactive drugs (any substances that affect mood, perception and thought) can have harmful effects if abused, but the detrimental results of allowing use of any of the current illegal drugs, including marijuana, is too great a risk to take.

Now when I wake up in my 40 degree room in the morning, two of the first things I am going to consume are a cup of hot chocolate and a cup of hot green tea. Both contain "drugs": L-theanine and caffeine in tea and caffeine and other substances in chocolate. I once did not drink tea because of the caffeine it contained, I considered that stimulate too strong a drug. There is evidence that the chemicals in tea provide strong antiviral and antibacterial properties as well as acting as an antioxidant. I could use decaf tea, but I have found (and research confirms) that caffeine helps enhance physical activities, such as running. I can justify 40 to 80 mg of caffeine daily and this should in no way compare to the mind altering effects of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs. I am sure there are some that would say a drug is a drug and a person can justify the use of his preferred drug, just as you might say I am doing with tea. However, the definition of a drug is a difficult one. For example, is food a drug?

I agree Little Hawk, the determination of what is legal or not is sometimes based on many biases, prejudices, etc., but the fact I see is the overwhelming evidence that illegal drugs cause too much harm to society. Legal, open, marijuana use would only add to this.

I would reiterate: illegal drugs should never be legalized. The ills that they would cause to society are not worth the freedom of allowing their use.
