The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13386   Message #111122
Posted By: pj
03-Sep-99 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: Oak Ash & Thorn at the Castle Folk Club
Subject: RE: Oak Ash & Thorn at the Castle Folk Club
RiGGy's right, it was a grand night! The boys were in rare form and the audience was phenomenal. What a great venue.

What RiGGy didn't tell you, fair 'catters, is that there were other wonderful singers on stage before OA&T's sets, one of which was the RiGmeister hissown self, sounding GREAT!

Rick sings and plays concertina in a lot of bay area venues; aboard the Balclutha, the Castle, at the Starry Plough, private gigs, and others. It's always a treat to hear him, but there's a song he does that always buries my heart, and he did it last night BEAUTIFULLY...

I think the title is "It's Not Yet Day", is that right, RiGGy? The guys were talking about you on the way home, Dave specifically said how perfectly you deliver that style. It sounded wonderful. For bay area 'catters who missed last night's show at the Castle, come to the Plough Sunday night and we'll all beg RiGGy to do it again there.

Also in the audience was Faith Petric. Oh my. Being as I'm a little tiny baby folkie, I didn't realize how impressed I should have been to meet her until the stories started flying. What a sweetheart. We snagged one of her CD's immediately (the newest one is called "When Did We Get Sauerkraut?" and it's GREAT), and we're planning to go to her 84th birthday party later this month.

And, of course Dick Holdstock and Alan McCloud were there to hold court in fine form. Dave kept saying on the way home, how often do you get Holdstock & McCloud in the front row, singing backup on your choruses?

"Tell me, is this heaven?" "I'ts Iowa." "Oh, I coulda sworn it was heaven..."

A grand time was had by all:)
