The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13386   Message #111142
Posted By: Dave Swan
03-Sep-99 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: Oak Ash & Thorn at the Castle Folk Club
Subject: Lyr Add: NON-BARLEYCORN (parody)^^
Thanks to RiGGy for beginning this thread, and for the kind support and warm encouragement as we've gone back to work. Rick and his 'tina...that's a sound I wish you all could hear. Everyone at the Castle Folk Club was very kind to us. It felt good last night, but dog knows I'm tired this morning. Think I'll drop over to the tavern for an elixer. Cheers, E.S.

Here's Non Barleycorn, which we learned from the singing(our favorite term for stole from) of Jiggery Pokery on "In Glorious Color". Any old John Barleycorn tune seems to fit it. They list the author as anonymous.

Non Barleycorn as I've been told is good as any beer
Contains no harmful substances and it won't make you feel queer
For it contains no alcohol or calories to waste
No color and no smell at all, no head, no fizz, no taste

CH: Hey Non Barleycorn, Ho Non Barleycorn
Won't do anything at all:
Non Barleycorn

Now it will not make you happy and it won't give you a low
Won't pick you up or bring you down but through you it will go
When you've had six you feel the same as if you've just had one
And when the party's over you won't know if you've had fun


Now do not scorn this noble brew but to me now pay heed
Non Barleycorn will serve you well in any time of need
For when you're out of beer and wine, and vinegar and ink
And petrol, piss and turpentine, Non-Beer's the stuff to drink.