The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66230   Message #1111558
Posted By: Cruiser
07-Feb-04 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Greg F: Your argument brings to mind what is happening in Sweden and Australia:
The comparative figures for drug use in Sweden and Australia, taken in conjunction with education policies which promote abstinence versus safe usage, suggest that Australia's policy of harm minimisation has induced widespread drug usage - 52% lifetime usage (i.e., used at least once) in Australia compared with 9% in Sweden.
{End Quote}

Sweden vs. Australia : Drug Policies

NicoleC: I mentioned the problem of defining a drug and you chose a broad definition. You are a pretty, bright, young lady. You should gain pleasure from your intellect and the joys of playing your fiddle (although learning that instrument can lead to some "drug" use if one would let it).

Little Hawk: My concern is introducing cannibus to youngsters just as I tried beer, wine, and whiskey, because they were common and readily available and I was young and curious. I even smoked grapevine as a kid and other than making me cough and turn green, it had no mind altering result like marijuana would. Abstinence from illegal drug use is the only option, in my opinion.

In this competitive world, any drug that takes ones mind to a state of unreality does not help one to succeed in helping with, or functioning in, society.
