The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66230   Message #1111573
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
07-Feb-04 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
"...just as I tried beer, wine, and whiskey, because they were common and readily available and I was young and curious. I even smoked grapevine as a kid and other than making me cough and turn green, it had no mind altering result like marijuana would. Abstinence from illegal drug use is the only option, in my opinion."

here's the thing i don't understand about your position. you admit that you used such substances. you tried it, made your choice and seem happy with your choice. why such a self-rightous attitude, then, towards other people making their own choices about such things? abstinance is not "the only option". it's the option YOU chose. you remind me of the reformed drunks and smokers who had their chance to use their substances and now that they've "seen the light" they think no one else should have that opportunity. it's none of your bizness or the government's what i or anyone else chooses to ingest just like when you sowed your oats and made your choices in spite of the legality of said oats. others have made all the points about the crime, amounts of funds wasted and questionable moral foundation of the useless "war on drugs" but i just want to know what makes you think you should be the judge of everyone else in light of your admitted indiscretions?