The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66719   Message #1111686
Posted By: Art Thieme
07-Feb-04 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: The largest class society in the world
Subject: RE: BS: The largest class society in the world
M.G.--I'm still just trying to do my part.

This Cafe is a great place to spew polemics---for all of us. On we go doing what we can as we view it from where we sit---sort of like the Martian rovers. Intelligent---but not really in a human fleshy way----here in cyberspace drilling into the rocks and spinning our wheels in completely alien soil. Looking for water---dry as hell--like the old Sons Of The Pioneers song. But if they find what they're looking for, they can't even taste a drink of it. But I would like to shake your hand. Send me a P.M and we can figure a way I'll know you. You'll know me. I'm the large bearded gray-haired man in the wheelchair who has, as you said, seen better times music-wise. ---------- Say I forget to say where we can meet. How about Fred Holstein's memorial at the Old Town School Of Folk Music. That's April 3rd I think. Keep it confidential and don't say here in this thread how I'll know you. Just send the P.M.

And you are all too correct...

Yes, I'm one of the has-beens--a folksinger I mean,
I used to sing folksongs--and I used to pick clean,
I made the the notes flow like the soil from the plow,
But you may not believe me---because I can't do it now.

Art Thieme