The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66592   Message #1111690
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
07-Feb-04 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Subject: RE: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Stuff it, GuitarGuitar. Your strings are wound a little too tight.

Eminent domain has been used in theory for "the greater good," and that was how the county justified taking 10 acres of prime lakefront property from a friend many years ago. Then they found they didn't have the money to develop the land, so they worked out an arrangement that she could continue to live there and pay them a nominal rent. It benefited the park department a lot because she mowed much of the property and kept it all looking good, as she always had. Then a neighbor up the road decided this must be a sweetheart deal and made a big fuss at county meetings. My friend didn't need that grief, moved out, and the place went to seed. And it still looks like shit 25 years later. That land is off of the tax rolls, but it would have brought some nice income to the county for all of these years if they'd left it alone.