The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66592   Message #1111717
Posted By: Nerd
08-Feb-04 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Subject: RE: BS: Maul Wart sucks even more now
Ah, sorefingers ol' buddy. Bloviating as always.

It may seem to you that Dr. Dean has never done a hard day's work, but did you get through Medical School? Internship? Residency? Your own medical practice? These things take more work in a year than GW has done in his life. Dean talks incessantly about the issues, but the News media rarely reports it. I have seen him live on more than one occasion, and also many times on C-Span. Rarely does he talk about anything other than issues.

And as to your feeling that Dean did not behave well, are you referring perhaps to the scream video? If so, it might interest you to know that ABC actually ran a whole story apologizing for distorting that video so badly; in it, people from NBC and CNN also said the clip was distorted and overplayed. Too little, too late? Perhaps.

Now, to anyone who cares about how this political stuff connects to Wal-Mart, here's how Dean handled the Wal-Mart issue:

When it became inevitable that WalMart would move into Vermont, and they had planned their usual crush of giant suburban stores, Governor Dean flew to their headquarters in Arkansas to negotiate. He told them if they built their usual suburban megastores he and most Vermont communities would fight them tooth and nail. But if they built small stores in downtown areas, he would make it much easier for them.

Now, rather than sucking business out of the town of Rutland, Wal-Mart was actually incorporated into the town's downtown revitalization plan.

This is the kind of negotiation Dean kicks ass at. He would rather not have had WalMart at all, mainly because of their union-busting ways. But he also knew that negotiating in this case would be better for the people of Vermont than fighting and eventually losing. He played his cards while he still had a strong hand, and got people in Vermont low prices without a lot of the woes that WalMart usually brings.