The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66230   Message #1111719
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
08-Feb-04 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
"All I can say is I am conservative on this issue and you have a more liberal view."

i must disagree. i think my stance is the conservative stance because i believe in freedom of choice and freedom from illegal search and seizure and freedom from harassment and the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in ways that interest me and harm no one else. all things provided for in our constitution and declaration of independance which i believe in conserving.
and back to your original point, the current administration is as far as possible from any "conserative" principles. no matter what kerry believes on your pet issues, if you care about the country you live in and keeping any semblance of constitutional government, you'd better do your part to vote these goons out.