The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66719   Message #1111729
Posted By: dianavan
08-Feb-04 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: The largest class society in the world
Subject: RE: BS: The largest class society in the world
Martin Gibson: Why do you think you have more than me? I've been a professional for quite a long time now and wonder why you think that a corporate cog has more? More what? Material crap? Land? Oh you are so full of assumptions. I am willing to bet that my net worth is far greater than yours but that isn't the point of this discussion.

So, your kids are full of great, are they? Do you mean grateful? Why not? Its easy to say, "Thank-you, Daddy." Actions speak louder than words. We'll see what they decide to do with their lives and how much gratitude they show when they find out that "daddy" won't always be there with the cash to back em up...but maybe you will be. You won't be the first corporate cog who tries to buy love. Around here we call them Johns.

Somehow I think I probably have a whole lot more than you do. I have friends and family that care about me whether or not I pay their tab. Get a grip! ...and yes, I do have the right.
