The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66833   Message #1112173
Posted By: Bobert
08-Feb-04 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: 60 Minutes
Subject: RE: BS: 60 Minutes
Hey, Mickey, far as I can see there's gonna be plenty of room 'cause anyone, so called Christain or not, who bases their entire lives around one ot two Bible verses is damned to the core... Those so called Christains need to get their heads out of each others posteriors long enuff to take in the *spirit* of the Gospels, which has nothin to do with the crap that they teach and *profess* (hahaha) to believe in...

They'll find this out when it's way too late. Jesus has no room in His Kingdom for bigots and fear mongers and if He we in the flesh today he'd have somethin' fir them.... And it wouldn't be pretty... Jesus had little patience for hypocrits.... Like, ahhh, none!

He warned us of them. Now they have taken over our governemnt... They are no more Christains than Satan is a Christain... They all know it. I'd like to hook up a poligrapgh to each and every one of them folks. Yeah, that would prove interesting. Oh yeah, starting with heathen Bush himself, the little piss ant...

Hey, you wanta mess with someone? Don't make it the Lord. He ain't into this crap. He's got a place fir folks who profess to to be His followers while lining their pockets....

Sho nuff, He do...
