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Thread #66230   Message #1112390
Posted By: GUEST,ellenpoly
09-Feb-04 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
This is an absolutely fascinating thread!! I've just downloaded it onto my desktop for later reading. I also passed it on to several friends because I find you people (I only refer to "you people" because I'm not a member) as being a great group for both broadening my own knowledge, but also for sharing such important issues, time and again. And what can be more important at the moment? No, that isn't to say that America is the most important place on earth, or it's coming election (I'm an ex-pat living in London, and we've got a lot on our plate with Mr Blair and co.) but the ramifications of the next election will surely affect more than those living there...we've found that out time and again.
I'm especailly appreciative of the website offered by one of you, about how to compare one's opinions and thoughts, with the candidates, by reflecting on their (and our) policy desires. Of course, desire is one thing, and implimentation is another...but we have to start somewhere!
To the person who began this thread in the first place, I'm so indebted to you for taking the time and chance to really open yourself up to everyone's comments. It's providing such a treasure of shared thoughts! (My own are still in the forming stage...but I'll come back when and if I have anything I think is worthwhile to add, aside from my own INTENSE belief that we HAVE TO GET RID OF BUSH. This is imperative for me, and obviously to most of you.)