The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66230   Message #1112628
Posted By: GUEST,pattyClink
09-Feb-04 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Cruiser, it's real simple. Do you want to stop and undo the damage Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, and Donald Rumsfeld have done to our constitution, or don't you? Do you want to put the brakes on this America-as-imperialist-bully foreign policy, which will imperil the world for decades to come? Do you want to stop the crazy spending we can't afford?

These issues are so important to me, and so capable of permanent damage to our nation, I am itching for the chance to cast my first Democratic vote for a president ever. (I've cast a few 3rd party votes, this time I'd rather be the one vote that puts my precinct over the top for a Bush loss). Kerry is not who I would pick first from the orchard, but of the two he will do far less damage to our country than four more years of the Halliburton Dynasty.

Kerry is a react-or. He doesn't start movements or even introduce bills. I would prefer a reformer to take on the dangerous level corruption has gotten to in Washington.   Kerry will be pretty much status quo, aside from gutting the Republican neocon machine. But, I will take a do-nothing with a steady moral compass and a steady trigger finger over a reckless nincompoop.

Many, many of the Reagan Democrats are coming back, the sharper 'Joe 6-packs' are starting to figure out Bush isn't really someone to be trusted. A whole bunch of conservatives and moderates are going to swing left this time because a left-leaning hand beats a four-flushing liar.