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Thread #66230   Message #1112766
Posted By: NicoleC
09-Feb-04 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
Subject: RE: BS: Help a Conservative Republican Vote Demo
I'm all for kicking the current spoiled princling out of office. But there's a concern that needs ot be kept in mind -- right now it's pretty easy to get people riled up over Bush.

Let's say Bush is gone in 2004.
____ gets elected.
____ works really hard and has a good COngress to back him up and undoes 50% of the dangerous crap put in place under the Bush administration. That would be an amazing feat.
... We STILL must work at undoing the rest. Having a better prez won't get it all fixed; this is a long term project. Whomever gets elected, we must not because complacent simply because we think the current Prez is better than the last one. The folks who are riled now may not be with us when it comes to the long term work of undoing the damages to civil liberties and the deficit and our reputation abroad.

The other scenario says that the next Prez doesn't undo any or very little of it, but merely makes a few political gestures. All the more need for diligence. We haven't paid off Reagan's deficit yet. At this rate, the reckless mistakes of one of these jokers every 20 years will never be fixed.

Think your taxes are high now? You know that deficit has to be paid off somehow. This issue killed Bush Sr., but it was the right thing to do get a handle on deficit spending, and it did a lot to prepare the country for the economic upswing under Clinton. 3 years of Bush has undone all of it.