The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66872 Message #1112986
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
09-Feb-04 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: John Kerry/ Tommy Cooper's double
Subject: BS: John Kerry/ Tommy Cooper's double
Every time I've seen a newsclip of John Kerry, I've had this feeling he somehow looked very familiar.
It just flashed on me who he's like - the late Tommy Cooper, a lugubrious English comedian whose speciality was doing magic tricks that went ludicrously wrong, with a great line in terrible jokes, which I suspect most Americans won't find funny, but which used to make everyone over here fall about. For example:
"Last night I slept like a baby. I woke up three times, wet myself twice and cried myself back to sleep each time."
He was greatly loved. I predict that if he becomes President of the USA, the lugubrious John Kerry will be a smash hit over here...
Anyway, here's a page about Tommy Cooper, with a supply of jokes that John Kerry perhaps had better not try as a candidate. Though if he gets a chance to come over here as President, he could do a lot worse than learn a few.