The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66873   Message #1113293
Posted By: Rapparee
10-Feb-04 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dreams
Subject: RE: BS: Dreams
The mind is so, so complex.

I've literally dreamt up solutions to problems I've been working on -- letting the mind free-wheel in sleep -- as have many others.

When I was young, perspective in dreams was all screwed up. Near objects would loom tiny, while distant ones were huge. I experienced the same thing years and years later. Why? My glasses were changed to near 20/20 and my brain was adjusting, just as it had all those years before.

I'm haunted by the I'm-naked-and-have-missed-the-entire-semester-of-classes-and-now-it's-exam-time dreams. Had one last night. But I don't think that there's any psychic meaning there -- just the bad dreams from college recurring.

Amos, you know that Chaos Theory says that everything that happens changes everything else.