The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66873   Message #1113338
Posted By: *daylia*
10-Feb-04 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dreams
Subject: RE: BS: Dreams
Amos, I find myself in lucid-dream states quite a bit, especially since I started studying and recording my dreams several years ago. Others may scoff at these ideas, but these are the conclusions I've drawn to date about what dreams really are and how to glean the most benefit from them ...

1) Dreams are real experiences! While the physical body sleeps, our mental, emotional and soulful "bodies" (which do not require sleep) are free to "venture out" and have experiences on the more subtle levels of awareness (ie mental, emotional, soulful, spiritual). WHen these experiences are remembered, they are called "dreams". And because the subtle planes of awareness do not have the time/space limitations of physical reality, MUCH useful information can be accessed there.

2) People can train themselves to remember their dreams by setting that intention mentally before falling asleep, and leaving a notebook and pen beside the bed to record any dreams immediately upon awakening. This is a useful practice, because dreams don't lie, and often reveal hidden truths to the dreamer, especially regarding their true thoughts/feelings/desires about whatever is going on in their lives at the time.

3) Dreams can also reveal the truth about other people's feelings and intentions and plans, about future events, about past lives (if you're into that sort of thing) etc. If the dreamer asks for specific guidance about any concern they may have before falling asleep, and makes an effort to recall and record any information received, the answers will come through in dreams. This has happened to me many, many times!

And I have often regretted NOT trusting and following through on the insights received in dreams. For example, I remember asking for a "sign" once about a person I'd just met who had romantic interests in me. I liked him too, and I was very disappointed at the dream I had in response to my question.

In the dream, I was enthusiastically sharing some ideas with this person in the mall, when I noticed he was looking very angry. Suddenly there were two of him -- it was like he'd split into twins! One strode off in an angry silence, and I was hurt and confused ... couldn't figure out what I'd said that he took such offence to! WHile I was standing there wondering, the other "twin" came up behind me and slipped a knife between my ribs. I woke up with this really awful and VERY PHYSICAL pain in my back -- no kidding! IT took quite a while for the pain to subside so I could fall back to sleep.

Now if that's not a crystal-clear message about this person's true nature and intentions, what is? But would I listen? Oh no, not me ... it wasn't the answer I wanted, so I ignored it ( oh it's just a stupid dream, it's not real!) and went right ahead and dated him anyway.

Well, a few months later when I had to end that relationship, feeling very "used and abused" (won't get into details here but believe me that WAS what happened) I regretted very much not acting on what I'd been shown in that dream. It would have saved me a lot of time and grief, that's for sure!

So, I've learned to trust my dreams over the years, although interpretation sure can present quite the challenge at times!

4) In lucid dreaming, it's very important to remember that you are creating the experience with your own thoughts and feelings. If you are fearful, you will create the fearsome, and make yourself a real nightmare. If you expect something terrible is going to happen, guaranteed it will! But if you can train yourself to stay in a loving, "empowered" frame of mind while you dream, you will create awesome -- and highly valuable -- experiences for yourself.

I could go on and on, because dreaming is one of my FAVORITE areas of study, but I think that's enough for now.

"Dreamer, you're nothing but a dreamer; well can you put your hands in your head - oh NO!..."

(Supertramp, from Crime of the Century)