The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66719   Message #1113356
Posted By: Sam L
10-Feb-04 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: The largest class society in the world
Subject: RE: BS: The largest class society in the world
Still don't see the point of airing one's good fortune as if it proved some point about society.

That's a good point about getting experience for jobs that require it. Even with a degree in art, I had a hard time getting a job in museum art shipping as a driver, and had to go to one of those truck driving schools. Had to watch a safety film about falling asleep, which pointed out that sleep was an issue in American society going back to Nathaniel Hawthorne's story of Rip Van Winkle--I couldn't stand it anymore and announced that Hawthorne didn't write Rip Van Winkle goddamnit Washington Effing Irving did. An awkward silence ensued.

I don't necesarily want the public to pay for college or personal choices. But I wouldn't mind if some CEO's paid also for some of their personal choices. If we had a maximum wage we probably wouldn't need a minimum. The public pays for a lot of things that nobody whines about endlessly, things they should at least reckon in balance. People complain about assistance to the poor but not so much to the wealthy. The national flood insurance that goes to rebuild ritzy hotels on beachfronts where nobody would build in the first place if it wasn't for the handout of national flood insurance is huge compared to the spare change people whine about because it goes to the poor.
   It doesn't add up, people just begrudge help to the poor and not to the wealthy and that's the way it is, for cultural reasons of complacent stupidity. People hate and fear the bum who might get ahead of them, and kiss the butt of the bum who already has. If it weren't for the fear and hatred people would probably see good and bad, here and there, just a bit more fairly. I don't hate the rich, but I can see they aren't quite that much better than anyone else, and you can see it in the mistakes they make in executing their responsibilities. The proportion gets out of hand, with childish celeb worship. Impressionable people are impressed. Thoughtless people think it's how things are and always will be, but no, it isn't. Many things get better just because little bits of sense and decency start to add up.