The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66719   Message #1113405
Posted By: jimmyt
10-Feb-04 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: The largest class society in the world
Subject: RE: BS: The largest class society in the world
I have been trying to formulate a comment to this thread, but it has taken on a tone of flaming that is not relevant to the original comments regarding whether or not education should be free.

I have just finished Fred Miller's comments and I have to say that I think it was very well thought out, and I cannot find fault with it. I agree that I personally get annoyed when I hear of some well meaning program that has gone terribly wrong with the corruption that seems inate with humans, and I bitch and moan and gripe about my damn tax dollars that have been thrown away for something worthless.

I also have encountered many many times people who are working in government agencies with huge attitude problems that I cannot help but believe are related to the fact that they are in a government position and by god they don't have to smile or be pleasent.

I do believe what Fred says , that we all seem to turn a deaf ear to the horrible injustices that are evident in society, ie the flood insurance, the terrible misappropriation of funds by corporate ceos, padding their golden parachute contracts before declaring bankruptcy and not giving a damn about the thousands of employees that are now out of work through no fault of thier own.

I do, however, still think that providing a college education should be at least a partnership between the institution, the student and some means of providing grants and low interest loans. I cannot see how we could provide a free education to everyone with government funds without passing this onn to the taxpayer, thus, IT AIN"T FREE!

I paid for my education myself. I borrowed money, worked multiple jobs, my wife worked (we had three children at the time and yes it was hard as hell but we did it, and never once thought someone should pay for this for us) I think people tend to appreciate things more if they have to work for them. Having said this, I still believe that in the present situation, the cost has risen so high and the possibility of earning a portion of this is getting farther and farther apart. Perhaps does anyone agree that either extreme is bad and a middle ground is the best solution?