The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13493   Message #111350
Posted By: Barbara
04-Sep-99 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: Nonesuch..the album
Subject: RE: Nonesuch..the album
I know what you mean, Sandy. I once sang it for a young Jewish woman as an example of a song that consoles people about death and dying. When I got to "Lay your head upon your Savior's breast/For I love you, but Jesus loves you the best...", she burst into tears and said, "But that isn't for ME!"
And the words! "Sing A for the Ark, that wunnerful boat.argle bargle mumble, wouldn't stay afloat." Even if you were fluent in Bahamian accents, the Pindars are singing on TOP of Bro' Spense, and I dunno about yours, but my recording's monaural.... Now there's a word the kids won't know.