The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13499   Message #111351
Posted By: lloyd61
04-Sep-99 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: A Gig to Remember
Subject: A Gig to Remember
A Gig to Remember

While I have had many positive experiences, sharing my music and stories, one stands out as a rear jewel.

I was booked at a local summer camp to share my music and tell a few stories to a group of children. At that time I had a local booking agent who set up the Gig. I almost turned it down because it did not seam to fit the profile of the Gigs I have an interest in filling, but something told me to except the invitation. When I arrived at the camp I found it filled with over 50 kids, ages ranging from 8 to 12, and there parents. This was a outing for children who were on life support systems. What a heart rending picture, over 50 children all connected to some form of portable life support systems. The cables and hoses were all twisted on the floor as children played together. The parents spend the day trying to keep the cables to tubes untangled. I wondered what I could give to this group children. After supper everyone gather around and I began to sing a few songs, then I took out my Native American flute and an old Pawnee wedding drum. I search for a story to tell as I played the flute but none of my stories seam to fit. I prayed "lord give me a story". The words began to come. The story that flowed was about a young Panwee lad who was given his first eagle feather at a naming ceremony Much to my surprise the children were frozen in place as I told them about the naming ceremony. When the young lad, in the story, was given his feather he found it to be broken. He was heart sunk, what a disappointment a broken Eagle feather. During the naming dance, while other young boys who had been given their Panwee names were dancing this young lad sat on the side line, alone, despondent. A very wise elder came and sat beside him. When the young lad showed him the broken feather the elder thought for a while then said, "You have been given a special gift to bear. It will make you strong. Now go out and dance the dance of the Eagle with the broken wing." With that the young brave started to dance. With one arm out stretched and the other bent at the elbow he danced the dance of the Eagle with a broken wing. He never danced so well, he whirled and spun, dipping low to the ground then jumping high in the air. The beat of the drum seam to lift his spirit and give him renewed strength. The crowd stood to their feet screaming and clapping, encouraging on the Brave who danced the dance of the Eagle with a broken wing.

When I ended the story I looked into the eyes of the "frozen" children and realized I had reach them. Then I looked up at the parents standing in the background and saw tears flowing. I never received so many hugs when I finished a Gig.

I drove away saying "Thank you Lord".

What is your story?