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Thread #66824   Message #1113600
Posted By: GUEST
10-Feb-04 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush and Meet the Press????
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Meet the Press????
"The Cable News shows have been chewing on the topic of GWB's military service a good bit today. It seems that the missing military records have turned up in the offices of, who obtained them during the 2000 election, via the Freedom of Information Act. From what I have heard reported today, it would seem that the article you posted factually reports the facts of the President's military service."

the records are not "missing". the documents obtained by the website are COPIES of the records held by the military.

one of the common defenses that right-wingers toss out to justify things like the patriot act is "if you don't have anything to hide then what's the problem?" the problem here seems to be that the prez has something he'd like hidden judging by his dissembling on these records. he said on sunday they would be released with no qualification. why are we looking at documents obtained from a website? we want to see the documents from the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT that are held on all military personnel.

as a person who served in the military somehow i think if someone wanted my records it wouldn't take years ("people have been looking for these records since 1994-quote from GWB's interview") to find them. in fact, how did a website get them in 2000 if nobody in the government was able to find them? if you go to the website and read the stuff that the newsmedia is leaving out you'll see that the writer has made a convincing case that the documents may indicate that W. was under disciplinary action for failing to show for a a physical exam.

the main reason anyone cares about these records is that it illustrates another level of dishonesty from the most dishonest prez we've ever had the misfortune to have. if GWB wants the records released he has only to waive his privacy rights and the military can release them. not just the ones available under the FOIA because those have blacked out portions. but ALL the records as he stated he would. it's not hard to do. we'll see if he does but he HASN'T done that that by virtue of the stuff released today.

in the past, all other presidents that have military records have released them. what is he worried about if he has nothing to hide? this same rationale applies to the 9/11 coverup.