The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66885   Message #1113907
Posted By: Bob Bolton
11-Feb-04 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Bold Jack Donohue
Subject: RE: DTStudy: Bold Jack Donohue
G'day Joe (Amergin ... Uncle Tom Cobbley & all ...),

Apart from the odd Americanism, that covers the basic framework of Jack Donahoe's escape(s), bushranging and death. There are monographs by John Meredith on Jack Donahoe's life and death and on Francis MacNamara ("Frank the Poet") whose verse seems to be the original of all the later songs ... although it was circulated in hand-written and concealed sheets, so we are not sure of the exact original.

I'll scan through both books for the critical points .. and see if some of it might be appropriate for this thread - but this forum is about the song(s) ...not necessarily the bare facts!


Bob Bolton